Thursday, June 4, 2009

Coughing up Blood: Part 3

Chest x ray

CT scan of the chest.

Bronchoscopy uses a small flexible camera to visualize the airways. The procedure can assess both the large and small airways, and biopsies can be obtained.

Sometimes a lesion may be seen on a chest x ray and a biopsy may be obtained by a needle using x ray guidance.

If it is believed that the hemoptysis is from a disorder of the heart, then one may undergo other studies like an ECG and an ECHO

One should always see a physician when hemoptysis occurs. While many benign causes may resolve spontaneously, the possibility of a lung cancer must always be ruled out, especially if one is a smoker. Sometimes no cause of hemoptysis is identified and monitoring is required.

Hemoptysis is not a symptom that should be managed at home. It is highly recommended that one see a health professional and determine the cause.

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